Final conference of project ‘NAMIRS’

Feb 23, 2024

From 19th to 20th of February 2024, ATRAC was a part of the final conference in project ‘NAMIRS’ that was held in Trieste. Alongside ATRAC, this conference was attended by all other project partners (Central European Initiative Executive Secretariat, Italian Coast Guard Headquarters, Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport Portorož, and National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics – OGS). ATRAC held a presentation on all of the training courses that were done during the duration of the project, including the training courses ‘At-sea Response’ and ‘Shoreline Clean-up” that ATRAC held in Trieste, Koper, and Rijeka.